
Welcome to Soft Printables

We’re thrilled to have you here! Before you explore our website or download any of our resources, we kindly ask that you take a moment to review this disclaimer. Your access and use of our content indicate your acceptance of the terms outlined below.

At Soft Printables, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, engaging, and user-friendly materials. However, all our resources are designed for informational and educational purposes only. While we strive for accuracy and effectiveness, we cannot guarantee that every resource will perfectly suit your specific needs. The use of our content is at your own discretion, and we encourage you to adapt materials as necessary to best fit your requirements.

Purpose of Content

All materials provided on Soft Printables, including worksheets, planners, templates, and creative activities, are designed for personal, educational, and non-commercial use. While we strive to create resources that are accurate, up-to-date, and effective, they are not a substitute for professional advice, curriculum standards, or individualized instruction. Always use your discretion when implementing these materials in educational, organizational, or personal settings.

Soft Printables and its creators are not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our resources. While we take great care to ensure our materials are safe and appropriate, we cannot guarantee their suitability for every individual, classroom, or situation. You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use these printables, including any modifications or adaptations made to them.

All content on Soft Printables, including text, designs, and graphics, is the intellectual property of [Your Name/Company] and protected by copyright laws. You may download, print, and use our resources for personal, classroom, or nonprofit purposes, provided you retain all copyright notices and attributions.

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You may not:


Store on shared or team drives in order to share in a wide range.


Share with colleagues without purchasing additional licenses


Post any portion of this content on any site that is accessible by others


Replicate any portion of this content

Accuracy of Information

We work diligently to ensure the accuracy and relevance of our resources. However, educational standards, technology, and best practices evolve over time. Soft Printables does not guarantee that all materials will be error-free, up-to-date, or applicable to your specific needs. We encourage users to review content carefully and adapt it as necessary.

Our website may include links to third-party websites, tools, or services for your convenience. These links do not signify endorsement by Soft Printables, and we are not responsible for the content, privacy policies, or practices of external sites. Accessing third-party links is done at your own risk.

Additionally, Soft Printables may participate in affiliate marketing programs. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. These partnerships help support the creation of free and affordable resources for our community.

We reserve the right to update or modify this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. Changes will be posted on this page, and your continued use of Soft Printables constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

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